Paralegal Services

  • Personal Injury Attorneys

    Deposition Summaries and Deposition Analysis:
    Besides our Deposition Summary services, we also offer Deposition analysis services wherein we cross check your Client’s statements in Interrogatories responses or Complaint along with their statements in Depositions and prepare a summary report about all the inconsistencies.

    Discovery process:
    We propound effective interrogatories exploring multiple angles in each case. Along with every set of responses we attach a “Missing Records and Note.docx” so that you are updated on as to the source of any critical information and the additional information you have to collect from your client.

    Medical Records Reorganization and Summary

    OSHA and Other Records Reorganization and Summary

    Drafting Meet and Confer Letters

    Drafting Complaints

    Drafting Demand Letters*

    Legal Research and authoring Legal Articles

    Ancillary tasks:
    Ancillary tasks include; bates numbering and production of documents, filling in statement of damages, and any other data entry task.

    Drafting Settlement Brief and Mediation brief:
    We are not proficient in these areas. Subject to our mutual time and convenience we would be honored to provide these services in barter for your training and expertise.

    Other Services:
    We would be truly honored to support you with your litigation management tools and software, subject to training being provided.

  • Attorneys in General

    Deposition Summaries and Deposition Analysis:
    Besides our Deposition Summary services, we also offer Deposition analysis services wherein we cross check your Client’s statements in Interrogatories responses or Complaint along with their statements in Depositions and prepare a summary report about all the inconsistencies.

    Discovery process:
    We propound effective interrogatories exploring multiple angles in each case. Along with every set of Responses we attach a “Missing Records and Note.docx” so that you are updated on as to the source of any critical information and the additional information you have to collect from your client.

    Legal Research and Authoring Legal Articles

    Ancillary tasks:
    Ancillary tasks include; bates numbering and production of documents, filling in statement of damages, and any other data entry task.

    Other Services:
    We would be truly honored to support you with your litigation management tools and software, subject to training being provided.

  • Arbitration Firms

    Deposition Summaries and Deposition Analysis:
    Besides our Deposition Summary services, we also offer Deposition analysis services wherein we cross check your Client’s statements in Interrogatories responses, or Statement of Claim, or SOD along with their statements in Depositions and prepare a summary report about all the inconsistencies.

    Propounding Interrogatories:
    Along with every set of responses we ensure there is a “Missing Records and Note.docx” so that you are updated on as to the source of any critical information and the additional information you have to collect from your client. Provided we receive a copy of your standard objections, our work efficiency would increase exponentially.

    Ancillary tasks:
    Ancillary tasks include; bates numbering and production of documents, and any other data entry task.